Your enthusiasm for IoPP makes a real impact. Spread the word about IoPP, and earn fantastic rewards for every new member you bring on board. Let's grow our community together and continue to lead the way in the packaging industry!


As an IoPP member in good standing, you have a fantastic opportunity to earn rewards through our referral program. Here's how it works:

  • Earn Points: When you refer a new member*, make sure they mention your name in the “How did you learn about IoPP?” field on their membership application. Depending on the type of membership they choose, you earn points:

    • 1 point for a new basic member
    • 1.5 points for a new premium member
    • 2 points for a new elite member
  • Accumulate Points: Your points keep adding up and will stay active as long as your membership remains in good standing.

  • Redeem Rewards: You can use your points for various rewards, such as upgrading your membership or even getting a full year of IoPP membership for free! Here’s what you need:

    • Upgrade to premium: 1 point
    • Upgrade to elite: 2 points
    • Upgrade from basic to elite: 3 points
    • One year of free membership: 6 points

Remember, free membership extends your current membership by an additional year from your anniversary date. To redeem your points, send us a request

Thank you for spreading the word about IoPP, and let's continue to grow our professional community together!

*You can only earn points for new memberships and not renewed memberships. You do not earn points for anyone who joins at affiliate status or as a student or retired member.
